offers express delivery across the world. Leveraging our extensive florist network we offer same-day delivery almost anywhere in the world. We strive to deliver fresh, stylish, & beautiful floral arrangements individually created by our expert designers.
This is an e-commerce platform built up in 2 individual panels, which are developed in Codeigniter PHP. One is the website and another one is an admin panel for their staff. It has multiple payment gateways which are of both types, seamless as well as non-seamless. We do not store card details in either gateway. The PHP coding is completely minified in a simplified manner as well as the CSS and js are minified and encrypted.
1. Fastest online flower shop tested in gtmetrix and google tools
2. Passed all SEO friendly checks in seositecheckup tool.
3. Schema markup is passed in it and approved by google’s schema tool
4. Targeted pages are coming in the google search results prior pages.
5. Sales are increasing at the rate of 20% for an year.
6. No crash of site reported till date, season and off-season orders. Also recorded processing of more than 100 orders across the globe in one hour without any lagging in valentine season.
Here is what our clients have to say about our offerings
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