What is a Domain Name System (DNS)
- Shailendra Kadulkar
- 14 September, 2023
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a crucial naming database on the internet. It translates user-friendly domain names, like "example.com," into machine-readable Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, such as When you enter a domain name in your web browser, a server works behind the scenes to find and connect you to the corresponding IP address. This process is essential for web browsing and nearly all other online activities. DNS operates in a distributed hierarchy of authority across the internet. Various entities, including access providers, enterprises, and organizations, have their own designated ranges of IP addresses and associated domain names. They manage to map these names to their respective addresses through DNS servers. Ultimately, most web addresses (URLs) are structured around the domain name of the hosting server that handles client requests.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is the unsung hero of our internet experience, quietly working behind the scenes to ensure we can effortlessly access websites and online services. DNS springs into action when you type a user-friendly domain name like "www.example.com" into your web browser. It starts by checking your computer's local cache to see if it knows the domain's corresponding numerical address (IP address). If not, it contacts a Recursive DNS Server, akin to a specialized librarian, which either provides the IP or takes on the task of finding it. The Recursive DNS Server might consult Root DNS Servers, which hold crucial information about top-level domains like .com or .org. From there, it navigates through a hierarchy of DNS servers, ultimately reaching the Authoritative DNS Server for the specific domain. This server holds the precise IP address your computer needs. Once obtained, this information is stored in the Recursive DNS Server's cache for future reference, ensuring quicker access next time. Armed with the IP address, your computer can directly connect to the web server hosting the desired website. This entire process, which takes just milliseconds, enables us to seamlessly navigate the vast landscape of the internet.
In the early days of the internet during the 1970s, all website names and their corresponding numerical addresses were stored in a single file called "HOSTS.TXT." Elizabeth Feinler meticulously managed this file at the Stanford Research Institute as part of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) directory. Feinler personally assigned numerical addresses to domain names, and any additions required a direct phone call to her.
However, as the 1980s dawned, this system proved increasingly impractical and labor-intensive to uphold. The turning point came in 1983 with the inception of the domain name system. It revolutionized the process by decentralizing the information, and distributing what was once a centralized file across multiple servers and locations.
By 1986, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) officially recognized DNS as an essential Internet standard. The organization released two seminal documents, RFC 1034 and RFC 1035, which defined the DNS protocol and outlined the types of data it could carry.
Since then, DNS has undergone continuous evolution and expansion to keep pace with the ever-growing complexity of the internet. Presently, major players in the information technology landscape, such as Microsoft and Google, offer their own DNS hosting services, attesting to the system's enduring importance.
DNS is crucial because it forms the backbone of the internet. When a DNS is unresponsive, it hinders your ability to connect with other websites online. Instead of grappling with recalling and inputting lengthy numerical IP addresses, a web browser simplifies the process by allowing you to enter a user-friendly domain name. This simplicity hinges on the DNS's ability to accurately translate that domain name into the correct IP address. Without this translation, accessing any website becomes impossible. In essence, DNS is the linchpin that holds together the vast majority of the internet we interact with daily. Although it's rare in modern times, it's still possible to directly type an IP address into a browser. For a quick experiment, try entering into your browser, hit Enter, and see where it leads you.
Here are some of the key types:
A Record (Address Record): This record links a domain to its corresponding IPv4 address. For instance, it associates "www.example.com" with its specific numerical address like
AAAA Record (IPv6 Address Record): Similar to the A record but used for IPv6 addresses, which are longer and designed to accommodate the growing number of internet-connected devices.
CNAME Record (Canonical Name Record): This record acts like a shortcut or an alias, allowing one domain to be associated with another. For example, "www" and "mail" might both point to the same server.
MX Record (Mail Exchange Record): These records handle email delivery. They specify the mail server responsible for receiving email on behalf of a domain. For example, it directs emails to servers like "mail.example.com."
PTR Record (Pointer Record): PTR records work in reverse of a records. They link an IP address to a domain name, often used in reverse DNS lookups for verification.
NS Record (Name Server Record): NS records specify which name servers are authoritative for a domain. These servers hold the official records for that domain.
TXT Record (Text Record): These records allow domain owners to add arbitrary text to their DNS entry. They're often used to verify or provide additional information about a domain.
When we start a new website or change our hosting provider, we mostly deal with DNS records. As some of you may not know, each record has a TTL value (an expiry time after each DNS server fetches fresh DNS records). Thus, each record takes time to propagate globally on all DNS servers. So, it is also important to check DNS propagation. DNSChecker’s Global DNS Propagation Checker tool helps verify that the changes have been implemented successfully and uniformly across the internet. It's a critical step in maintaining a consistent online presence.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is the unsung hero of our internet experience, seamlessly translating user-friendly domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. This vital process enables effortless web browsing and nearly all online activities. DNS's decentralized architecture ensures its reliability, allowing us to access websites with ease. Its evolution from a centralized file system in the early days of the internet to the robust protocol it is today showcases its enduring importance. Without DNS, navigating the internet would be difficult, emphasizing its pivotal role in maintaining the online landscape we rely on daily.
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